6. The Headlands
Magnetic Island National Park features spectacular natural landscapes and seascapes including boulder-strewn headlands, hoop pines, sandy beaches and fringing coral reefs.
A continental island composed mostly of granite, Magnetic Island was once part of the mainland before the sea level rose about 7,500 years ago.
Source: parks.des.qld.gov.au
(Photo courtesy of Meagan Helms)

Hoop Pines & Pandanas
The hoop pine is a native of the eastern coast of Australia from Coffs Harbour in northern New South Wales up almost to Cooktown. On Magnetic Island you'll find Hoop Pines predominantly on the south and south eastern side of the island, nestled between the granite boulders. They're are often accompanied by Pandanas plants, as both plants are very hardy.
> READ: Some Magnetic Island Plants

Devil's Arch
Another great granite boulder outcrop, Devil's Arch sits on the left hand side of Alma Bay.

Ospreys & Sea Eagles
With an abundance of fish you'll often see Ospreys, Sea Eagles and Whistling Kites soaring from the headlands and making use of the thermals that radiate from the granite bolders, before they plunge to the ocean to hunt.

Gabul's Head
Our Traditional Owners the Wulgurukaba believe the head of the Rainbow Serpent Gabul rests on the right hand side of the Alma Bay Headlands.
> READ more about Gabul and our Traditional Owners.
Eagle Rock
Aptly named, Eagle Rock sits high on the southern end of Alma Bay Headlands.